Call Centre Services

Are your calls overflowing? Is your business making the most of each and every enquiry, both day and night? Our call centre & telephone answering services are open 24/7, offering a welcoming, friendly and professional team to handle your business enquiry, whatever the call volumes.

Let Answers enhance your company image, maximise call capture and increase customer satisfaction. We’re simply there when the phone rings, every time.


0800/0508 support

Add Answers to your team and increase your service levels! 

Many companies offer 0800/0508 numbers as an invitation to call. These numbers are on websites, Yellow Pages, magazine ads, bill boards and invite contact anytime, but who’s handling the call at 7am on a Sunday morning?

Answers will do it, as we never close or get tired of answering the phone.

Answers team of professionals will welcome the call in your company or trading name at any time of the day or night.  The team will provide information, register interest or pass on details, gather the caller's details and pass these on via email, text (SMS), fax or call transfer immediately, daily, weekly, monthly, or as required.

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